Posts Tagged blogosphere

The Art of Blogging!

Welcome to the blogosphereBlogosphere may be described as a network of blogs which exist together as a blog community. Thus, it represents all the creative activities & exchange of innovative ideas associated with bloggers’ world today. Technorati depicts the blogosphere expansion to have doubled once every 5 months during the last one & half year. The blogs within the blogosphere are not necessarily of a particular nature but collectively they are contributing towards the cause. Thus the blogosphere may be looked upon as a platform that exchanges vision in terms of knowledge & technical advancements, in order to throw some light upon the benefits & needs of blogging.

Blogology may be described as the ‘art of blogging’, which invites a series of interactions & commitments between the modern-day bloggers towards addressing the root causes to our core social problems & their preferred solutions. Thus, blogology is all about studying the different means of blogging, rather than studying the nature or the direction of the blogosphere. This has been proved with the help of blog content that reflects the natural personality traits of individuals who support this dynamic art.

How are the blogs connected within the blogosphere ?

Node Graph

The Node Graph may denote a well-knit blogger community, wherein suppose the Blue Node signifies an Insurance blog which is of a similar but much bigger class of blogs as a Finance blog (that gets depicted through the Orange Node). Thus, we can see that the blue node has a tendency to appeal or reach out to the orange node. But, we must know that there is no direct way that the blue node may link with the orange node. This is because the insurance blog is solely concentrated on insurance topics, even though insurance is a financial topic. The finance blog on the other hand analyzes financial matters generally, with insurance constituting only a part of it. Hence the insurance blog needs to utilize the blogosphere in order to develop a blogger network that helps it to connect with the finance blog through the insurance topics that suit the financial categories.

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